JSPE-Routledge Prize

The Japan Society of Political Economy - Routledge International Book Prize


The JSPE is happy to announce the creation of the JSPE - Routledge International Book Prize. The Prize is open to its member and non-member colleagues all over the world. The JSPE wishes to play a more active role in promoting political economy and heterodox economics internationally. The prize encourages members of the JSPE to publish their work in English and to challenge the growing dominance of orthodox neo-liberal economics among economists and policy-makers. It also promotes studies in heterodox economics all over the world. We hope this prize in political economy will become equivalent to other great international economic prizes, such as the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, which are given only to mainstream economists.

The prize winner can have a lecture in person or online in the JSPE annual conference in Japan and receives a diploma and monetary grant (sponsored by Routledge).

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsor of this book prize, Routledge. Routledge is the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Routledge publishes thousands of books and journals each year, serving scholars, instructors, and professional communities worldwide.

Yasuo Goto (Chairman of the JSPE)  


Objectives of the JSPE - Routledge International Book Prize and subject matter

The Prize will be awarded to a distinguished book which has been published in English in the last quarter century in the areas of political economy, including Marxian, Post-Keynesian and all heterodox economics. The content of the book is related to subject matters including:

(1) Fundamental theories of political economy;

(2) Historical developments in the critique of political economy and economics;

(3) Historical and theoretical analysis of modern capitalism;

(4) Critical analysis of current political economic problems (including crisis, financial instability, economic development, socialism, gender, environment, climate change, etc) and policies;

(5) All subjents reflecting the traditional and analytical perspectives represented by the Japan Society of Political Economy.

Prize nomination and Selection process

The JSPE - Routledge International Book Prize Committee, which consists of Chairperson of the JSPE, Chairperson of the JSPE International Committee and three members of the JSPE, invites each member of the JSPE steering committee and its overseas academic advisers to nominate a candidate for the prize every year. The JSPE International Book Prize Committee reviews proposals and votes for the winner. The Prize winner is announced at the JSPE annual conference.